Bochurim List

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 30 Menachem Aben-moha Montreal Quebec Canada Yaacov Aben-moha Miriam Schonthal Aben-moha Schonthal Tomchei Temimim Montreal
 25 Betzalel Abend North Hollywood California United States Aaron Sarah Klyne Oholei Torah
 27 Nosson Leib Aber Miami Florida United States Tzvi (Harold) Aber Hadassah Aber (Zimberg) Zimberg YOEC,Los Angeles, Ohalei Torah NY
 28 Rephael Abergel New York New York United States Mordechai Sylviane Zrihen Yeshiva Gedola Melbourne
 27 Abi ABOUD Buenos Aires Capital federal Argentina Moishe Batia Adler
  mendy aboud Brooklyn New York United States moshe batty Morristown
 26 Yossi Abraham New York New York United States Mordechai Tsivia Pretoria
 25 Yehuouda Arie Leib Abrahami '' Epinay Sur Seine'' France Yossef Sonia - Lubavitcher Yeshiva
 32 Nochi Abrahams Stanford Hill London United Kingdom Yonason Faige A'H Kingsley way, Ohr Elchonon, Oholei Torah
 25 Shmulik Abrahams Postville Iowa United States Chaim Chana Rapoport Oholei Torah
 24 Nosson Abram Sydney Australia Meir Rivka Stein ? 770 full time
 35 Eli Abramowitz Worcester Massachusetts United States Dovid OBM Gila Kashi OBM Tomchei Tmimim Morristown NJ.
 36 Eliyahu shmuel Abramowitz Brooklyn, ny New York United States Levi Yitzchak Henya friedman Sidney, Australia
 23 Yisroel Baruch Abramowitz Brooklyn New York United States LY Henya Friedman OT
 26 Yitzchok Achter New York Israel . Bella Golda Zal in Tzfas
 24 Shmuli Adelist Melbourne Victoria Australia Moishe Naomi (Busel) Busel YG Melbourne, Oholei Torah
 29 Izzy Adelist Melbourne Victoria Australia Yossi Adelist Trina Adelist Adelist Brunoy
 24 Mendel Aisenbach Thornhill Ontario Canada Shimon Chani Bukiet Oholei Torah
 35 Vadi Albukerk Brooklyn New York United States Michael Sharon YGL Johannesburg, SA. Chovevey Torah. RCA Morristown, NJ.
 28 Boruch Allison Sherman Oaks California United States John Debby YOEC
 23 Yaacov Alpern Sao Paulo SP Brazil Yosef Chana Naparstek OT
 28 Shmuel Amir Kfar Chabad Israel Liron Gali Tomchei Tmimim Ohr Yehuda
 36 Yoseff Amit סביון Israel שגיב אורלי חב״ד
 31 Nissy Andrusier Broward Florida United States Pinny Gitty
 34 Moshe Anygyalfi Leeds United Kingdom Yeremi Shoshanah
 29 Bertchie (Sholom Du-ber) Aronow Brooklyn New York United States Zelik Rivkie (Rosler) Rosler Miami Zal
 40* Yanki Ascher Crown Heights New York United States
 24 Arie Azimov Neuilly France Levy Rivka Grinberg Oholei Torah
 24 Mendel Azimov North Brunswick New Jersey United States Levi Goldie Duchman Oholei Torah
 24 Yisrael Azimov Neuilly France 0 Levy Rivka Greenberg Oholei Torah
 39 Levi Yitzchok Azoulay Brooklyn New York United States Eliyohu Yael See below.
 24 Menachem Azoulay Hampstead Quebec Canada David Chana Benshimon Oholei Torah
 29 Yosef Yitzchok Azulay Sao Paulo Brazil Oholei Torah
 26 Menachem Mendel Babayov Southfield Michigan United States Sender Sarah Farber Oholei Torah
 23 Efraim Bacher Johannesburg South Africa Sholem Chanie Barber Morristown
 30 Mendel Bacher Johannesburg South Africa Sholem Chanie (Barber) Barber Montreal
 27 Levi Backman Spring Valley New York United States Yoel Sari (Srugo) Argentina, Montreal, Kfar Chabad
 28 Menachem Mendel Backman College Park Maryland United States Eli Nachama Arbeter Oholei Torah
 30 Menachem mendel Backman Spring Valley New York United States Yoel Sara (Srugo) Chabad kfar chabad, oholey toiro
 26* Yosef Backman College Park Maryland United States Eli Nechama Arbeter Lubavitcher Yeshiva
 26 Avrohom Baitelman Studio City California United States Yossi Chana Rimler Oholei Torah
 27* Avrohom M. Baitelman Porter Ranch California United States Yochonon Chana Fruma Levitansky Oholei Torah
 24 Avrohom Moshe Baitelman Los Angeles California United States Ari Devorie Brennan Oholei Torah
 22 Sholom Baitelman Studio City California United States Yossi Chanie Rimler OT
 21 Yossi Bam Brooklyn New York United States Yaakov Yehuda Bam AH Mazal Bam (Galibov) Beis Shalom, Postville IA
 26 Pinny Banda Brooklyn New York United States Shlomo banda Brenda banda/ schwartz Brunoy
 26 Baruch Bar-nir Brooklyn New York United States Yehoshua Bar-nir Shulamis Bar-nir (Chaziza) Morristown - Tomchei 2016-2017. Toras Emes Yerushalayim, Israel 2015-2016.
 22 Tzvi Barber Brooklyn New York United States Eli Sarah Francoz OT
 23 Menahem Mendel Bardugo Los Angeles California United States Shalom אירית אור יהודה קטנה , ישיבה גדולה רעננה
 25 Menahem Mendel Barkats Pantin France Jean paul Michelle Amar Oholei Torah
 26 Sholom Baron Coral Springs / Crown Heights New York United States Yaakov Tehila Andrusier - Munnell YG
 24 Menachem Mendel Yitschak Barouk Paris France Shlomo Dvorah SCIAMMA OT
 31 Efraim Bart Los Angeles California United States Simcha Sima Moscowitz YOEC
 28 Menachem Mendel Bart Los Angeles California United States Simcha Sima Moscowitz YOEC
 34 Yosef Chaim Bart Los Angeles California United States Simcha Sima Moscowitz Montreal
 28 Elchanon Zev Bartfield Brooklyn New York United States Isaac Yehudis Lovich Oholei Torah
 26 Yaakov Bartfield Coral Springs Florida United States Aaron Henny Lipsker Oholei Torah
 29 Shneur Zalman Bass Crown Heights New York United States Giora Yael (Butta) Tomchei Tmimim Seagate
 24 Moishe Baumgarten Brooklyn New York United States Levi Leah Sanger Oholei Torah
 26 Shmuel Baumgarten Brooklyn New York United States S. Zalman Devorah L. Avtzon Oholei Torah
 24 Zelig Baumgarten East Hampton New York United States Leibel Goldie Katzman Oholei Torah
 36 Yaakov Becker Brooklyn New York United States Alexander Malka Tiferes Menachem
 24 Benjamin Beilin Brighton Massachusetts United States Shloimie Brandy Schwartz OT
 28 Lipe Beker Buenos aires caba Argentina Alejandro Einat Yeshiva guedola de buenos aire
 27 Mendy Bekhor Randolph New Jersey United States Avraham Chava Coral Springs Smicha
 34 Yaakov Bekhor Los Angeles California United States Shlomo Gittie Yeshiva Gedola- Arad and Kiryat Gat
 26 Mendy Belinsky Brooklyn New York United States Eliyahu Miriam Shpilsky Didn't attend Yeshiva (Zal)
 25 Chmouel Ben soussan Paris France Yossef Nechama Sudry Oholei Torah
 26 Yechezkel Meir Benchemhoun Crown Heights New York United States Yehuda Edna Brunoy - 2 years
 36* Menachem Benchimon Crown Heights New York United States
 23 Reuvein BenDavid Hollywood Florida United States Shlomi Shifra Chovevi Torah Achei Temimim
 32* Berel Bendet Minnesota United States Shlomo Chava Kahanov
 29 Leibel Bendet St Paul Minnesota United States Shlomo Chava Kahanov Montreal
 26 Levi Bendet S. Paul Minnesota United States Shlomo Chava Kahanov Morristown
 28 Chai Benhamou New York New York United States Michel Benhamou Nathalie El Fasci Brunoy/ Chazon Eliyahu/ Shlichus in Toulouse and Montreal
 23 Menachem Mendel Benjaminson Glenview Illinois United States Yishaya Sara Kotlarsky OT
 25 Menahem Mendel Benmoussa Paris France Rachamim Dvorah Lancry Oholei Torah
 26 Menachem Mendel BENSOUSSAN PARIS France Yossef Yitzchok Nechama Dina Sudry Oholei Torah
 27 Ezer Benzaquen Los Angeles California United States Yaakov Mashi Sindelman YOEC
 31 Pesach Bercovice Chicago Illinois United States Avraham Bercovice Chana Sandman Yeshiva Gedolah of Greater Miami, Rabbinical College of America
 26 Schneur Zalman Bergstein Oak Park Michigan United States Yitzchok Nechama Rosenblum Oholei Torah
 27 Yankel Bergstein Oak Park Illinois United States Yitzchok Nechama Morristown
 23 Yosef Bergstein Oak Park Illinois United States Yitzchok Nechama Rosenblum
 32 Shneur Zalman Berkowitz Los Angeles California United States Shaya Sima Bastomsky YOEC
 37* Yisroel Berkowitz Los Angeles California United States Shaya Sima Bastomsky YOEC
 36 Shneur Zalman Berkowitz Montreal Quebec Canada Chaim Shterna (Hendel)
 32 David Simha Bet Ya'aqob Kiryat Arba (Crown Heights Yehuda Israel Baruch Hayia Nadav ( Peretz) Kriyot/Be'er Sheva
 22 Yosef Bettoun Jerusalem Israel David Bracha (Raphael) Wilkes-Barre Yeshivah
 33 Sholom Bindell Los Angeles California United States Jay (Yisrael Simcha) Bindell Binah Bindell (Berman) The Rap
 29 Sholom Dov Ber Bitton Paris France Yaacov Sultana Yeshiva TT Brunoy, France
 29 שלום דובער ביטון Sarcelles France יעקב שולטנא ישיבה גדולה תות״ל ברונוא, צרפת
 23 Noach Black West Hartford Connecticut United States Michoel Elise Chovovei Torah Achei Tmimim, Crown Heights
 28 Mendy Blasberg Crown Heights New York United States Peretz Shandel Malka Teitzman Mayanot Semicha- Shlichus, Miami Zal
 32 Meir Blesofsky Bayside Queens New York United States Yossi Dina Zarchi Morristown
 23 Moshe Eliahu Blesofsky Iowa City Iowa United States Avrohom Chaya Grossbaum
 26 Yisroel Hakohen Blesofsky Bayside New York United States Yossi Dina Zarchi Oholei Torah
 22 Meir Sholom Blizinsky Brooklyn New York United States Gadi Chani Gurary OT
 22 Menachem Mendel Blizinsky Brooklyn New York United States Gadi Chani Gurary Talmud Torah Lubavitch Poconos
 24 Ari Block Westfield New Jersey United States Levi Shternie Smetana 770
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*Age is approximate age when asterisk (*) is present.

City/State/Province/Country was location of family home while in Yeshiva.